DVD includes: trailer, full movie (67 min), slideshow of 40 photos by Claudia during the work in progress of the film, nice interactive menu, custom hand-made cover on recycled cardboard, using hand cutted stencils and (mainly) environmentally friendly sugar spray paint.
(we are sorry but don't have subtitles available)
GIFT | BUY DVD | DONATIONS [dvd is now sold out]
"The gift is essential, is a sign of care and support, not an exchange. The gift is the practice of generosity.
Special Limited Edition of 100 DVDs, designed and hand painted , by Claudia, the film maker herself and artist Morganico.
Each dvd cover is unique
we don't do mass production, we paint each cover individually, with care and love. Using hand-cutted stencils and spray paint on recycled cardboard folding boxes.
The gift economy represents a shift from consumption to contribution, transaction to trust, scarcity to abundance and isolation to community." Charles Eisenstein
watch the video of the work-in-progress of Claudia making the DVDs
This film was made as a gift. This is a truly independent project, we have no funding, for over 2 years Claudia worked on the film without a salary. If you are able to support us with a Gift / Donation we'd like to thank you very much as it will help to continue the project.
Your gifts will help us to show/distribute the film by organizing events and discussions about housing issues and alternatives; update and maintain the website; continue our research on housing and creative documentation on these important issues; we also need funds to pay for basic costs of running the project: web hosting, materials, promotion, e.g. flyers prints, paints etc... If we get enough funding, we would like to take the project further (e.g. Tour the film around the UK, organize talks, self-publish a book, bring the film to international film festivals). If possible, we also would like to make the project sustainable while working ethically with artists and collaborators.
We would appreciate your support and generosity very much! Thank you.
Gift economy
"The gift economy has been called many names and is actually more ancient than the money economy. Money is the concentrated and abstract form of the gift—but when the way we connect with each other transcends fee-for-service, (whether it’s called “sacred economics,” “pay-what-you-can,” or “the strategy of generosity,”) it’s more powerful than anything money can buy.
Other ways to help
you might like to share the trailer , the website or the facebook page with friends or through your social networks.
Share what you learned, ideas, inspiration...!
Check out our resources page, you might find helpful help for yourself or a friend with his/her housing situation.
DONATE to help Support this project and this website.